Flowers are hand delivered unless you opt for click-and-collect by our most local florist, the closest real flower flower shop to your delivery location. We do not send flowers through the post, or deliver them via a generic courier service.
We offer same day delivery on all orders received before 11am GMT, Monday to Saturday, throughout the UK.
When you place your order you will receive a confirmation email from the florist, you will also receive an email after your order has been delivered.
It is important to remember that your order has been sent direct to the local florist shown on your order confirmation email, and that if you have any questions regarding your order then please contact the florist direct. All florists have a website including their full contact details, and there is a link to this on your order confirmation email.
We can't promise a specific delivery time, but we will do our best to follow your delivery instructions.
Due to the seasonal nature of our business we reserve the right to substitute any items illustrated on this site, although we always try to create an arrangement similar to the arrangement you have chosen. Any preferences you may have regarding materials or colours to be included or excluded should be stated on placing your order and we will try to accommodate you wherever possible.