Florists Join is powered by Florist Window.
Florist Window design bespoke ecommerce websites for real local florists. We are passionate about supporting and promoting the local florist. Our ethos is to help local florists build their businesses. provides another valuable sales channel for clients, in addition to their own bespoke website.
All orders florists receive through are their orders, this means for example customer details are added to the florists own websites customer list and if opted in for promotions the florists marketing list. 100% of the order value is paid direct to the real local florist. This means every order helps support real local florists becuase you are actually ordering direct on helping florists make an honest profit, and not lining the pockets of an international corporation who take a cut from the order value. was launched to help more consumers find a real local florist direct and florists generate more sales at full value without any middleman taking a cut from the order, 100% to florists. This national flower delivery website is free to Florist Window clients, clients have to opt in to be part of it, launched in the summer of 2017.
If you are a florist interested in joining please click here to find out more or get in touch using the form below. Thank you for reading.